Katy Rogan || Portraits

I've been doing a lot of creating with other photographers and I just needed a slight break from collaborating with others and just create alone. I did that a few weekends ago with my friend Katy, you might recognize her from a shoot we did back in August. I shot both digital and 120 film with my P67. However all of these are just digitals because Im a real procrastinator when it comes getting my film out and developed. In the end it was a great day of shooting with Katy. I experimented with putting a flower in front of the lens and different angles I'm not used to trying. Some things that are seen in this shoot were mere accidents that happened and were taken advantage of, i.e hair in the the sage bush. The wind picked up and threw it in the foliage, which looked super cool with her hair contrasting the earth tones. I'm happy I got out with a friend and created some work Im pretty damn proud of.